Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vacation Preparation

There is only two more weeks left before I leave for my trip to the east coast. I told myself that I'd be working rather hard to shed some pounds before I arrive in Atlanta but of course there is always an obstacle. With me being busy at work, spending time with friends and family, netflix, an un-expected house guest, etc. I think the most I've lost was 1lb. Which I'm alright with. I appreciate that 1lb. saying 'bye bye'. Instead of letting the fact that I haven't lost nearly as much as I desired, I've channelled the fustrations into setting a new goal for the end of the summer. Giving myself 30 days probably wasn't a good idea at the time. I had no idea how many road blocks there would be. But seeing how I'll be away from home and budgeting, I decided I'd try and lose the weight in Georgia. It's hot and muggy, why would I want to eat? Lol. Plus, I'll be able to get free fitness room access from my cousins, or just try and jog in the crazy Atlanta weather. We'll see, I am just going to try and have as much fun as I can.

But before I go I really would like to plant some flowers and plants in our front yard. I've been neglecting the yard as I've been preparing to leave. I had a feeling this would happen. But to put my ease at rest I think that will be my way of feeling as if I did one more thing before leaving. I am not sure yet what kind of plants I'm going to get. I still need to look at more pictures, visit the nursery, etc. All I know is that I want tons of color. Something warm and welcoming, so when you drive by you'd feel some sort of attraction and pull to visit. :) Another thing I want to do before leaving is purchase the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 Nikkor camera lens. I plan to take lots of pictures when I visit Atlanta and Nashville, so I really NEED this lens. Another reason why I've been working so much and not working out. So that I can save up for this camera. I think I'm going to go and get it this weekend. It's apart of my vacation savings plan anyways. If anything, I might purchase it once I land in ATL. I'm sure the sales tax is a lot cheaper.

Well as always, I'm off to my adventures.

Jeanie Ebz