Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 1: My 30 day slim

Since opening that new chapter of going to college I had a lot of expectations of college life. The parties, hanging out with friends from night til the sun rise, hard core studying, freshman 15, and the freedom to do whatever you want when you wanted, outside of those hours spent inside a high school building. Well, there were some that were true and some that werent. My biggest doubt ended up being my biggest burden. I told myself that when I was finally outside of highschool educations arms I would excercise every chance that I got; but I didn't.

Instead of freshman 15 I became a sophmore 25-30. So here I am, 25-30lbs heavier and at the beginning of my summer trying to finally get rid of this weight. Usually, people would try and lose it during the winter and spring seasons, not me. I am a self-imposed procrastinator. Each week since January I came up with a new excuse for why I should put it off til the next day, week, month and so forth. Now I'm getting to the grind where I'm preparing to spend my summer vacation on the east coast, specifically Atlanta, GA. As excited as I am, I still can't get rid of the aching feeling that my weight has left me with. So today, for the first time in months I'm going to stick to my weight loss plan.

It's the first day and I already feel better. I feel as if I've achieved something. Woke up made fruit smoothie, grabbed my oatmeal package, put together my protein drink and walked out the house; putting away the slice of enchalada pie my mom made the night before. Now, I've been told I don't have to diet in order to lose the weight, but because I'm working with so little time I need to diet and stay away from the sweets. Then when I return and I've already made my work outs apart of my day to day lifestyle I'll be able to eat what I please. At least that's my thinking. I could be wrong. Which I probably am. :). I'll be sure to update when I can. Hopefully every two weeks for the next which will be 3 updates. July 1st, 15th and 24th. By goal is to lose at least 15 lbs by July 24th. Wish me luck!

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